Signing in

Log in at

You may have received your login credentials by e-mail when you signed up for a trial account. Alternatively a co-worker have registered you and provided you with login information.

Your user-id is unique. After signing in for the first time you are prompted to select a password of your own choosing. You can also later change password on the page Administrate-->My information.

If you have lost your password you can click on the link on the right hand side of login page, enter your user-id and e-mailadress, and a password reset code will be sent to you. Using the code you can select a new password.

A password needs to be between 8 and 25 characters long.

When you enter a new password, a symbol and the word weak, medium or strong is shown beside the field. That is for guiding you to choose a secure password.

Medium password requirements:

  • Password must be 8 to 15 characters long.
  • Password must contain at least 1 lowercase alphabetical character
  • Password must contain at least 1 uppercase alphabetical character
  • Password must contain at least 1 numeric character

Strong password requirements

  • The medium requirements, and additionally:
  • Password must contain one or more special characters, like & or @ or !

Observe that you must permit cookies and javascript in your browser to be able to log in.

Single Sign On

You can log in to Tic-Tac Mobile with your Google-account or a your Microsoft-account. Provided you have your e-mail address as an user-id in Tic-Tac. If you want us to change your user-id to your e-mailadress, please send us a message.

If you have an account with Google or Microsoft you can click on the link "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Microsoft" and you will be authenticated by Google or Microsoft.

Using your mobile or tablet

Download our app at the App Store or Google Play.

You will use the same login credentials as with the desktop version.

The start-page

You will find a menu on your left-hand side. The extent of the menu depends on the role you have been assigned in the system.

On the start page you have an overview of the present situation and you have direct links to certain pages.

  • In the first section you have your normal time in light grey and your reported time in blue.
  • Click on the link "Enter time" to report time right away.
  • You have your flexitime balance and you can mark if you are ready for attest.
  • In the middle section you see planned time for this week. You also see an graphical overview of the billable time.
  • In the right-hand section you have links to your to-do-list, your tickets and messages.